My Frog Logo
We are in this Together

Improve the Planet

My Frog’s mission statement: To equip the next generation to make planet-centric decisions.

By promoting, supporting and enabling sustainable products, services and initiatives.

A disclaimer

  • This website is not designed to be all doom and gloom, it’s designed to inspire the population of planet earth to think “bigger” and “think longer”.
  • We have the ability to see further than our own generation and look after the planet for years to come.
  • We will not be “blaming” anyone or anything, such as a generation, group of people or type of business.

We are driven by science and always seek the truth. We work constantly to make sure our information is up to date and to the best of our knowledge.


Because the climate is changing, for the worse.

The planet rarely changes as quickly as we are causing it to. The result will be more extreme weather causing huge disruption to the human race.

The only way we can stop this happening is by reducing the amount of “carbon” released into the atmosphere by our activity.

The increase in carbon being released is causing a “blanket” like effect to happen to our planet. Causing the heat from the sun to stay inside our atmosphere. Essentially, it’s getting harder for “heat” to leave our planet.

The knock-on effect (to name a few) are below:

  1. Melting Ice caps
  2. Sea level rise
  3. Desert expansion
  4. Disturbance to wildlife and food chains

We are quickly reaching a point of no return, this is called “a feedback loop”. Read more about what will happen here if we continue at the rate we are going.

Scientific evidence for warming of the climate system is unequivocal“. – Nasa

Unequivocal means: leaving no doubt; unambiguous


I believe we have 3 options;

Option 1 – Companies do it

Most companies are clearly doing the bare minimum for profit maximisation and marketing material that appeals just enough to sell to their target customers. Amazon wants to be carbon neutral by 2040 and Nestle and Coka Cola by 2050. However, some companies are doing a great job such as Netflix, Logitech and Sky which already claim to be Carbon Neutral.

Option 2 – The government do it.

We do not think the government has enough incentive at the moment.

Option 3 – WE do it

So who are WE? And how is Myfrog Going to solve this?

I believe we need to connect the people with sustainable initiatives. My Frog aims to offer a place where people and projects can connect. Learning can be done and people can learn how to make a difference one drop at a time.

Current Challenges

A sustainable badge

We all know about the “calorific” information that is required by law to go on the outside of packing.

We believe we need a “carbon” or “sustainability” area on all packing so consumers can make engaging decisions about what they buy based on the impact on the planet.

The switching costs

This brings us to another problem…

Sustainable products often require more work and in general have less economies of scale.

This means choosing “sustainable” for products and services is usually more expensive for the consumer.

  1. This needs to change
  2. And we need to define what this switching cost IS and how we reduce it.

Once “going sustainable” is cheaper and easier than unsustainable alternatives…we believe this will be enough.

Trust and metrics

  1. What metrics are used to measure these things?
  2. Who decides on the score?
  3. How are they to be trusted?

All questions Myfrog intends to answer definitively.

The Founder: Will Baker

I am a normal person living in Wimbledon, London, UK. I studied Geography at Exeter University which sparked my passion for this cause.

The Story…

I asked one of the physical Geography lecturers if it was “too late” for us to reverse the damage the human race has done to the planet.

He said: “Yes”.

This was my “lightbulb” moment.

What is the end goal? How do we know when this is done?

I have decided to start small…

I have built a website called that will be used to encourage the sustainable development of businesses, people and communities.

What is my plan?

  1. Make initial revenue providing personal training and business consulting services
  2. Upload a collection of sustainable products to promote and sell
  3. Raise funds to launch a sustainable energy production project
  4. Build up hype for global sustainable push

The best realistic case scenario: MyFrog starts to make a meaningful impact to people’s lives. Whether that be:

  1. Health and Fitness
  2. Professional Succuess
  3. Making a small impact on global CO2 Emissions

This is what I am passionate about, and this is what I am going to do.

Thinking Big – Maybe too big

Step 1

The carbon in the atmosphere will stop increasing

Step 2

The carbon in the atmosphere will be decreasing

Step 3

Global temperature drop of 1 degree

Finish line

The ability to control the planets atmospheric makeup and allow the planet to act naturally. Essentially the human race will be living on planet earth in harmony.

The future

We would then be confident that we could travel to other planets sustainably